Home Sellers June 28, 2022

Downsizing Tips to Make the Most of Your Move

Downsizing to a smaller place may sound stressful, but it can actually be a very helpful process. Whether you’re retiring or simplifying your life, downsizing can be a great fresh start and the beginning of an exciting new chapter. Here are some downsizing tips to help you make the most of your move to a smaller house or condo.

Eliminate Clutter

Once you decide to downsize, it’s time to start decluttering. As you look around your house and contemplate your belongings, feeling overwhelmed is normal. Starting is the hardest part, that’s why it’s best to start small. Take time to identify the smallest drawer in your home and start there. Sort through each item, keep items you are using and discard the rest. Generally, it’s best to say good-bye to anything you haven’t used within the last year.

Once you do one drawer you’ll start feeling more confident to tackle another drawer tomorrow and keep building from there. Another great strategy is to set aside 30 minutes a day. Pick an area, start a timer, and go. Anything you don’t get to, don’t worry, that’s where you’ll pick up the next day. Sometimes, it’s easier to part with items if you know they are going to a worthy cause and there are several organizations that accept a variety of donations. Additionally, in the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, author Marie Kondo shares her popular decluttering method. This is another great resource on how to determine what items to keep and let go of.

Consider Storage

If the decluttering process feels too overwhelming or you simply don’t have time to sort everything, moving some items into off-site storage is helpful. This gives you time to move into your new place and get a better understanding of what space is available. As you adjust, you can gradually incorporate more of those items into your new living arrangement, which will give you a better sense of what you need and can live without. It’s best to rent a storage unit for a limited time, such as six months, to help keep you on track and save money.

Prepare Your Home

As you begin the decluttering process, it helps to take into consideration other things you may have to do to prepare your home for sale including renovations, upgrades, or deep cleaning. While you’re decluttering, keep your eyes peeled for areas that need potential attention such as drawers that are out of alignment, broken cabinet handles, water stains, leaks, carpet bulges, etc. While each of these issues individually isn’t a deal breaker, together they begin to add up and could dissuade potential buyers. Make a list of everything you notice and consult your local real estate agent on what needs to be addressed.

Research Financing

Downsizing is quite a process, and part of that process is selling and buying a home simultaneously. If you need to finance your move, there are several loan options available to help you achieve your goals. From Bridge Loans to HELOC (Home Equity Line Of Credit), there are different options to consider based on your particular circumstances and financial situation. That’s why it’s best to do your research and have a realistic idea of what’s possible based on an accurate estimate of your current home’s value. Our local experts can provide a free market analysis to help you get started. This will help set the stage for you to get the best loan possible. That way, your move helps you reduce clutter and financial stress.

Start Fresh

Moving to a smaller house, townhouse, or condo is a great opportunity to say farewell to some of your old furniture and invest in new multifunctional furniture that optimizes use of smaller spaces. Sofa beds are great because they provide sitting space for you and sleeping space for guests. Storage benches are perfect for entryways, bedrooms and hallways depending on your needs. And, coffee tables that turn into desks are especially handy if you’ve had to part with extra office space. We suggest purchasing furniture that fits your lifestyle and maximizes space to help you make the most of your move.